Ten Useful Examples of the Real-Time Web in Action

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ten Useful Examples of the Real-Time Web in Action

The Real-Time Web - it's more than just immediate delivery of Twitter messages to an always-on mobile device, disrupting the concentration that civilization is based on and bringing a rush to crazed social media addicts obsessed with the hottest new buzzwords. No, there are scores of companies building and selling systems today that deliver very real value via the real-time web.

We've interviewed 40 companies in the real-time web market in preparation for the forthcoming ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit and a companion research report. Below are nine solid examples of real-time web technology that illustrate what it is and why it's important - and one possible future scenario that's important enough it has to be discussed as well.

Here's our list of ten cool companies or services that make use of real-time web in what they do. Most of the companies discussed below are already registered to attend the Real-Time Summit.

The real-time web isn't just about immediacy, it also offers things like presence information, syncing, efficiency and responsiveness.

10. Search

9. Twitter as Trigger

8. Real-Time Publishing
7. Real-Time Discovery

6. Real-Time Sharing

5. The Real-Time Web of People

4. Real-Time Relationships (And Up-selling)

3. Reputation and Issue Tracking

2. Pushing Financial Data

1. Real-Time Push to Replace Web Crawling

Fitzpatrick says that when Facebook-acquired FriendFeed started consuming PubSubHubbub feeds for subscribing to Google Reader Shared Items, traffic from FriendFeed to Google fell by 85%. That's a huge win for efficiency. So the real-time web could make the entire web a much leaner beast.

The web as synced-up, low-latency, highly efficient, presence-aware discovery, sharing and communication tool? That's just the beginning of the vision. Read the original article here along with weblinks to each and full details of each service http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/ten_useful_examples_of_the_real-time_web_in_action.php

Tags: real time web services search web, publishing web, discovery web


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