Google offers $5 storage for 10,000 photos

Thursday, November 12, 2009

As if Google didn't have enough fingers in our online world, it now wants to be your online photo backup provider. And the company has undercut the prices of competitors to get your business.

Google has offered online storage for two years, but Wednesday itslashed prices drastically to $5 yearly for 20 GB, from $20 for 10 GB. Google says the cost of hard drive storage dropped, enabling it to lower fees.

The 20 GB account is enough room, Google says, for 10,000 full-resolution photos. At $5 a year, Google is much cheaper than online photo sites like Phanfare ($49.99 yearly) and Smugmug ($39.99 to $149.99 yearly), although they both offer unlimited online storage and photo sharing. Online backup services Carbonite and Mozy both offer unlimited backups for about $50 a year. Continue reading here


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